Axe Valley Golf Club Ladies, it would seem, really like the sun and some warmth whilst playing but last week was a little too much for most. Last Wednesday was Anne Jarvis's Lady Captain's day and she did the girls proud. They were presented with a goodie bag at the first tee and learnt that they would be
playing an individual Stableford but they also each had a colour. They were placed in teams of three and on each green there were three coloured emblems, rose, thistle and daffodil, so they also had a team score as well from using the scores of the person/s whose colour it was. They were greeted at the 11thwith cold drinks, bags of melon and sweeter treats as well. Anne very kindly made it a 15- hole competition given the heat.
Once everyone was in, the Ladies were treated to a delicious lunch prepared by
Claire and her team and puddings a couple of which our lady captainprovided. Anne then presented the following prizes:
The team award went to Caroline Bond, Jill Wellington and Pauline Willis
with 54 points. The Lady Captain's Cup was won by Caroline Bond with 35 points. It was a very enjoyable day and they were joined by two of our new lady members. On Thursday, Stella Thompson and Jo Donmall were playing in the VetsInter Club 4BBB competition at Tiverton against Sidmouth and had a
convincing win. They are now through to the semi-finals. I am pleased to see that, young Paul Curtin is now through to this year's semi finalof the Seniors' Scratch Cup, beating Nigel Tarr. Paul now has to face the winners of the quarter-final between last year's champion, Stuart Mackie and the in-form. Gerry Binmore.
In the other quarter-finals John Purdy may have a walk-over over octogenarian Gerry Turner but will have to face one of two strong contenders, namely Steve Thompson and Tony Strong, who has won this trophy many times in the past in. By the end of August we will know who the finalists will be and tickets will be on sale in the clubhouse.
This Friday, last year's captain Rob Grove will be presenting the 2020 trophy winners with their silver and glassware after the competition.