By Dave Bruce
Last weekend was a big one for the Men's Section at Axe Cliff Golf Club with the re-arranged Club Championship.
It was split into two cups being - The Scratch and The Handicap. Harvey Gibbons, the current vice-captain, won the Scratch with a magnificent gross 76 and Rob Ballard, in great form, won the Handicap with an astounding net 63.
The B team also won the Basil Dean Shield against Honiton, last Saturday. It was the second leg with the final score being Honiton 4 and Axe Cliff 8.
The late Basil Dean was a much loved and respected former captain and local businessman who would have been proud to see his grandson Basil Martin help win the Shield.
The Ladies were lucky with the weather last Wednesday being breezy and only a few spots of rain. They competed for their Par/Bogey Cup with a very hard fought for result as the following give witness: 1st Karin Cox 0, 2nd Stella Thompson -1, 3rd Anne Jarvis -2 on countback from 4th Pauline Willis also -2.
On Monday they also enjoyed playing Sidmouth at home in their Shelagh Creasy match and successfully managed a win with 3 wins and 2 halves.
A busy week for the Seniors with the monthly Stableford last Friday played in strong winds. No cobwebs for those who did venture out and congratulations to the podium winners: Division One - 1st Stuart Mackie 32 points; 2nd Paul Curtin 32 points on countback; 3rd Leighton Morgan 31 points,
Division 2: 1st Mick Swann 35 points; 2nd Gilbert Cox 31 points; 3rd Pete Casey 29 points. Afterwards, it was great to be able to meet safely in the Clubhouse where last year's captian, Rob Grove, at long last, was able to present last year's winners with their trophies and kindly provided a much welcomed buffet.
Mind you, it will be one that Brian Thompson won't forget quickly, winning five trophies, three on his own and two as part of a team. He was the Masters Champion with a net score of 69.8 over four rounds - probably the most difficult competition to win; Covid trophy and the Winter League for the third year in a row with the previous two as a pair with captain John Hanna. The Yellow Ball Shield again third year in a row with Dave Weston and Tony Strong as an unassailable team. Lastly, the Brian Abbott Shield as a pair with captain John Hanna again. Well done to all the winners and Rob Grove.