Despite the awful weather last week, Axe Cliff Golf Club were able to hold a fun-friendly game with the ladies. It proved to be a popular format, being a team of three of two men and a woman.
It was played as a stableford with the two best scores on each hole to count but the
Ladies' score had to count on at least six holes - so the pressure was on the ladies. That was no problem for Barbara Cummings, last year's captain, as she contributed very well to her win with Paul Curtin and former club champion at his previous club, Terry Atkins, with 79 points. I felt sorry for Jill Wellington who drew the short straw and got myself and Micky Swann as partners. Thank goodness she came in on every hole we scored otherwise we would not have got our 59 points to win the Mars Bars! It was great fun for 30 of us who took part with a tasty soup and roll to be enjoyed in the clubhouse afterwards. Talking of fun and following on from the successful open days held before the last lockdown, the club is again inviting new, returning and current golfers to attend similar events on Saturday and Sunday, June 5th and 6th, Each day there will be two sessions at 1 pm (women and girls only) and 3 pm (mixed) on Saturday and two mixed sessions on Sunday at 2pm and 4 pm . Each session which will include one hour of coaching from a PGA Professional followed by an opportunity to play a few holes of the course guided by club members. Afterwards refreshments will be provided in the clubhouse. If you haven't played before and wonder if golf is a game you would enjoy, come along and give it a try. Golf clubs and balls can be provided and this will be a great opportunity to get some instruction from a qualified golf coach and learn the basics of hitting the ball. For those who have tried golf before but think the time might be right to get back into the game, this is a chance to brush up on your technique and shake off some of that rust. For the occasional or regular golfer there is always something new to learn and no better way than following the guidance of a PGA Professional. Whatever your level of experience and ability, you will be assured of a warm welcome from Axe Cliff Golf Club. Situated on the cliffs above Seaton, it is a golf course designed by the great James Braid and many of the holes provide spectacular views over the sea while other holes showcase the wonderful countryside of the Axe Valley. Come and give golf and Axe Cliff a try. All you need is comfortable clothes and appropriate footwear. Trainers are fine. The open days are free so to book your place call 01297 21754 or email [email protected] One thing that Covid has taught us is the true benefit of outdoor activity and the natural beauty of our surroundings.Share: