The week started well at Axe Cliff Golf Club with the Seniors winning the annual Tic Trophy from the Ladies on Monday - some recompense for losing
the Courtesy Cup to them the previous week. Rob Grove stood in for our captain John Hanna and is pictured keenly accepting the trophy from Anne Jarvis, Ladies' captain. The Ladies, on Wednesday, completed their last round of the County Prize Competition with some good scoring. with Karin Cox winning the day on 39 pts and good to Pauline Willis won the day, taking second spot with 37 points. The overall winners with the best four aggregate scores were Stella Thompson, Division One, and Jill Wellington, Division 2, and they will represent the club in the county final next year at a venue to be decided. good luck girls! The Men's section had a lovely bright day on Sunday with their fourth round of the Winter League . Alex Taylor and Luke Snell took advantage with a fine win on 40 points but only on countback from B. Waller and J. Matthews, leaving third place to S. Anning & S. Sweetland with 39 points. The Seniors battled the wind and rain on Friday in a fun game known as the Magic Multiplier where in teams of three each stableford score was mutiplied in theorder achieved on each hole with a blob counting as 0. For example if a team scored 4 x 3 x 0 then they had 0 total on that hole. If you only had two players in your team, then the third player was assumed had one point on each hole. This is going to take some checking so we will have to wait until next week for the result.
Mark Wisby and I, going out last, had eight blobs between us on the first nine holes and with the rain coming in decided that we had enough fun and did not want The Mr Blobby Prize so took an early bath and enjoyed our hot bacon baps cooked by young Dan.