Last Monday Axe Cliff Golf Club Ladies held their presentation of trophies at the clubhouse, organised by secretary Caroline Bond and captain Anne Jarvis.
This was followed by their Christmas Lunch being a very nice carvery cooked by Clare and her Christmas helpers. They also provided festive glasses , crackers and a nicely laid-out table. Sandra Walker provided the Wine in lieu of her hole-in-one earlier in the year when playing with husband Chris.
The main prizes were Stella Thompson and Karin Cox sharing, for the first time ever, the Golfer of the Year - this is awarded to the lady/ladies who achieve the most points over the year for winning medal/Stableford competitions with extra points for winning a cup. Karin and Stella were the star ladies of the year and they just could not be separated.
Paula Heasman won the Scratch cup and made a heartfelt vote of thanks for all concerned with the ladies section.
At the Ladies' AGM an almost new committee being voted on which will be ably led by new Captain Paula Heasman. Outgoing captain Annie presented Paula with her badge and made a very informative and humorous end of captaincy speech.
Owing to the windy cold weather there was no competition but seven ladies enjoyed 12 holes. There were many rainbows and a crow flew off
with Stella's new ball. A fantastic year Ladies and every good wish to Paula in her new captaincy. I wonder if she will turn up in her lovely Red CV2 which she lovingly calls POPPY.Share: