Axminster celebrates 110 years of Scouting with party and award presentations

The 1st Axminster Scout Group recently celebrated their 110 years of Scouting in the town with a barbecue party and awards ceremony.
The Beavers, Cubs and Scouts enjoyed glorious weather for a range of activities at the Widepost Lane Scout Hut – their headquarters since the inauguration of the group.
The event was attended by the Mayor of Axminster, Cllr Jill Farrow, who presented a number of gold and silver Scouting awards to members.
Members of Axminster & District Lions Club also attended the celebrations to present a special award to Scout member Kate Somers, who earned the club's gold award by completing 101 hours of voluntary work for the 1st Axminster Scout Group and other local organisations, despite the challenges of the coronavirus pandemic over the past two years.
Kate has helped with the Beavers – aged six to eight years – and also completed her young Scout leader training, which has various modules including first aid, behaviour management and programme planning.
Kate has also assisted at sleepovers and provided support during our meetings by organising games and activities.
She was presented with the Lions Club gold award badge and certificate by Axminster branch president Beverly Love.