'Pingdemic' affects waste and recycling collections in East Devon

Complaints have been made in the East Devon area about waste and recycling not being collected this week.
East Devon District Council has said this is down to staff shortages, with some refuse collection staff having to self-isolate due to the so-called 'pingdemic', which has seen many industries affected by staff being pinged by the coronavirus Track and Trace app.
A statement from East Devon District Council said: "Due to staff shortages, our recycling and waste collections have been impacted and this may mean that your collections could take place on a different day to normal.
"Our contractor is currently struggling with staff shortages caused by the pandemic restrictions and this is affecting collections. Our crews are working very hard to continue to collect your recycling on your normal scheduled collection day.
"One way you can help our crews is by putting large quantities of single materials that would normally go in your recycling box in a container separate from your green recycling box.
"Putting glass or cardboard in a separate box is a great help to our crews and makes the collection a bit easier for them – you can use a cardboard box or any old storage box as your extra container.
"Please do not place extra recycling out in black refuse bags.
"Please check our website for the most up to date information on collections.
"If your recycling has been missed, please leave it out whilst we attempt to catch up. After this please take it back in and place any extra out in carrier bags on your next collection day.
"If your refuse or green waste has been missed please report this here and we will collect it as soon as possible.
"You can check for up to date information on the delays here. We are also sending notifications to affected residents via the East Devon app.
"Thank you for your understanding during this difficult time."