'Cross Stitch for All - A Beginner's Guide'
Bradshaw Meeting Room, Axminster Heritage Centre, Silver Street, Axminster, EX13 5AH
Arts & Crafts
15th Jul 2023 - 15th Jul 2023
UNTIL Saturday 15th July

New Heritage Alive Craft Workshop.
Join us for our first 'Crafts with Cheryl' with one of our new Heritage Alive craft workshop leader's Cheryl Gardner.
This class, which will be taking place in the Bradshaw Meeting Room at Axminster Heritage Centre, is suitable for individuals new to cross stitch.
During this workshop Cheryl will introduce you to the different fabrics, threads and needles needed to create beautiful stitched designs. There will be plenty of tips to get you started and to make the process as enjoyable as possible.
This is a great class for all ages and is particularly suitable for parents and children to attend together.
All attendees (maximum 8 people) will receive a pattern, fabric, needle and threads to complete the project which Cheryl has kindly designed specifically for this workshop at the Axminster Heritage Centre.
Tickets £7.50 per person and can be purchased from the Heritage Centre during opening hours.
For more information please email: [email protected] or telephone the Centre on: 01297 639884.