By Dave Bruce
The weather held for the Axe Cliff Seniors who played a very strong team from Teign Valley at home.
However, you could call it a victory knowing that Geoff Hughes' son Malcolm, who used to play for us but moved to Exeter to start a new Alpaca enterprise, and is now playing for Teign Valley, won his match. Geoff taught him everything he knows.
Friday looked doubtful to start but most of us still managed to go round in our short sleeved Polos to compete in the annual Charity Bowl which is a magnificent trophy for those players aged 65 or over on the day. It was generously donated to the club by the late Brian Wilkes in 2000.
Nowadays, some have to wait until they are 67-plus. No such worries for 69-year-old Nigel Pritchard. Not only is he getting his pension but playing his best golf lately.
Having recently won the Masters, he follows that up with winning the Charity Bowl with an amazing 40 points. I have to feel sorry for Terry Atkins who would have come second with a par 36 points but he is only just 64 so second place went to Octogenarian Gerry Turner who amassed 35 points and he is still under 20 for his handicap. David Evans from the Valleys took third place on 34 points. Captain John Hanna took the opportunity to raise some funds for his chosen Charity Force with the first raffle he has been able to hold since Covid, raising a wonderful £370. Sadly. we say goodbye to Andy Jeffrey this week . Andy has been a very popular and helpful member of staff and we wish him well for the future. I am pleased to say he is staying on as the Men's Captain so we should see him on the course.Share: